As we embark on our 30th Year of serving our community, we’ve done some soul-searching for ourselves. Why are we here? Are we serving our donors to the best of our ability? How about our community needs? Why would someone choose GRACF over another avenue to giving? And how can we serve even better in the future?
It’s tricky to raise funds for a community foundation because a major part of our job is to facilitate giving it AWAY to other non-profits and organizations. People tend to think that when they contribute to a fund that we (GRACF) manage, that they are “giving to the community foundation”. But that is not true. Besides a small percentage to cover overhead, the monies donated to a fund are directed to the causes that the fund has set forth, which is how it should be.
But how to raise awareness that we, too, need donations not only to keep our operations afloat, but to amplify and grow the work we do in our community?
Enter: The Seed of Change Campaign, where we are raising funds that will go directly to one of the non-profit finalists that our community has voted for in the last several months, plus a portion of those dollars will go into our operating fund to help us grow into the future.
👉 Find out more about our Seeds of Change Campaign: gracf.org/seeds-of-change
#TaxBenefits #SustainOurWork #CommunityFoundation