Did you know there is crisis funding available for residents of Deer River? If you, or someone you know, are in need of crisis funding, you can get help through the Herreid Deer River Crisis Fund. Crisis funding is for basic life-sustaining need items (food, shelter, clothing and health needs) and basic well-being and human dignity needs (transportation, employment and workforce issues) that are not available from other sources. This fund helps people get through an immediate crisis so their lives can return to normal.
Crisis funding can be requested online from the Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation through an approved agency such as School District #317, First Call for Help, Essentia Health-Deer River Clinic, or any of the Deer River churches. The agency staff person will apply online with your assistance by going to www.gracf.org, clicking on Apply for a Grant and then clicking on Deer River Crisis Fund.
As examples, past grants have been to help individuals with utility costs, to purchase food, or for transportation needs. In fact, the Deer River High School automotive shop class once repaired a vehicle for a Deer River resident with parts purchased through the Herreid Deer River Crisis Fund.
For further information, please contact any of the above noted agencies or the Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation at info@gracf.org or by calling 218.999.9100.