The Hill City Area Community Fund (HACF) has awarded four grants totaling $12,700 to Hill City Area projects and programs.  The Hill City Area Community Fund is a community-based fund that provides discretionary grants to projects and initiatives in the Hill City area to improve the quality of life for the people in the communities of Jacobson, Swatara, Palisade, Hill City, as well as Macville and Spang Townships.


HACF awarded $4,000 to the Palisade Food Shelf, $1,000 to the Palisade Events Committee, $4,000 to the City of Palisade and $3,700 to the Jacobson Community Center for various community fundraisers and events.


If you are a 501(c)(3) or other not-for-profit organization in the Hill City area and have a project or initiative that helps out your community, the Hill City Area Community Fund encourages you to apply for a grant.   For more information, you can contact Hill City Area Community fund committee members: Adam Johnson, Ann Marcotte, Bill Flynn (Vice Chair), Bill Klennert, David Lange, Grace Derfler (Chair), Janet Hatfield, Jennifer Raushel (Co-Secretary/Treasurer), Kathleen Eklund, Mark Herman (Co-Secretary/Treasurer), Michael Kearney (Honorary Board Member), Nick Halfmann, Sharon DeWitt, Stephanie Payment and Tom Fasteland.