Give to the Max is a giving event that raises millions each year for nearly 6,000 causes across Minnesota and beyond. This year, GiveMN is encouraging donors to #GiveWhereYouLiveMN, an effort to help communities in every corner of Minnesota as the unprecedented challenges of this year continue. This is a challenging time as many of our nonprofits are among those under distress from the coronavirus pandemic. And now more than ever our nonprofits, businesses, and individuals are working together around a shared commitment to the resilience of our community.
“In 12 years of Give to the Max Day, this year is certainly unlike any other,” said Jake Blumberg, Executive Director of GiveMN. “Give to the Max has always been a socially distanced fundraiser by its nature, and we’re encouraging Minnesotans to ‘Give Where You Live’ in 2020, supporting organizations in your communities, the causes you care about most, and consider expanding your generosity to meet the moment this year in new ways.”
To participate in Give to the Max, donors may visit and search for the causes they care about most by name, keyword, ZIP code, and more. Give to the Max’s “Early Giving” period begins November 1 and continues through Give to the Max Day on Nov. 19, with random drawings throughout for more than $100,000 in prize grants for Minnesota organizations.
“You can also simply give directly to your local nonprofit or you can visit the Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation website donation page ( and search for your local nonprofit there. There are so many great local nonprofits who may need extra help in this year of the pandemic,” said Mindy Nuhring, Chief Development Officer of Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation.
If you donate through Give MN, each donation through qualifies local nonprofits for additional grants from the Give to the Max Day prize pool, thanks to the continued generosity of the Bush Foundation. On Nov. 19, Give to the Max Day, GiveMN will award:
· $500 Early Giving Golden Tickets daily on Nov. 1-18
· $500 Golden Ticket prizes every 15 minutes on Nov. 19.
· $1,000 Hourly Golden Ticket prizes hourly on Nov. 19.
· $6,000 Power Hour Prizes, shared among the top three organizations based on amount raised between 10:00–10:59 a.m. and 10:00–10:59 p.m.
· The grand prize of Give to the Max Day, a $10,000 Super-Sized Golden Ticket.
GiveMN is encouraging Minnesotans to come together virtually this year to share how they’ll be joining in by using #GiveWhereYouLiveMN or #GTMD20. GiveMN will have social media story templates available for download on and social media where donors can share their personal stories of giving.
Here is an example of a local nonprofit: Buck Lake Improvement Fund!